Hi Katie, I just wanna say
that you and the guys did an awesome job at Irvington! thanks! :)
How is your senior year going? it's going
REALLY well! i'm not ready to leave. :(
Which colleges are you thinking of going to? my college counselor and i
just came up with a semi-final list actually. it goes something like this... cornell, yale (maybe), northwestern, penn, syracuse,
ithica, NYU (maybe), umich (maybe), and umass (maybe). but i have no idea where i wanna go yet! i think i'm going to
decide after the acceptance list comes back. :)
What did you do for Halloween this year? Did you dress up? i
didn't, sadly. i can't remember why... one of my best friends, eric, dressed up as god's gift to women, it was HILARIOUS!
he wrapped himself in wrapping paper, and put a bow on his stomache. and he wrote on the front: To: Women From:
If you had 1 wish, what would you wish for? is this a selfish wish, or an end-world-hunger wish? i think
besies wishing all the pain away for the world, i'd either like to be able to fly, or be a very successful recording
artist or actress in the future.
Did you like Dream Street? Did you ever see them in concert or meet them all? i
actually used to work with chris and greg (and of course, jesse) back in the day, years before dream street was even
thought of. we go way back! :) though i've never met matt or frankie. but they're all great guys, i always supported
them. (and i did see a couple of their concerts.) :)
When Jesse goes to California is the band going to any of those
shows? as of now, we have no plans to. but we'll see, maybe! i sure hope so!!
What star, presently, do you like
the most? [Britney Spears, Hilary Duff, Fefe Dobson, etc..] my two favorite current recording artists are norah jones
and john mayer.
What was the last movie you saw in the movie theaters? hmm... that's a good question. i can't even
remember! it's been too long! but i'm going to see Elf soon- that looks so funny. i LOVE will farrel.
What's one of
the most memorbale things that's happened during a rehearsal? oooh, there are way too many to list. it's always a riot
with those guys.
I'm graduating 8th grade this year, and I'm really excited! Are you looking forward to your graduation? yeah,
definitely. but i'm really sad to leave my school. i REALLY love my school!
What school activities are you involved
in? i'm vice president of the student body government, captain of the girls varsity swim team, manager of the boys
varsity swim team, and i'm in the jazz chorus. those are my most major involvements, i think. i lead a bunch of smaller
divisions / committees within the student government, but those are the majors. :)
Since the magazine is called
Invision, what do you invision yourself doing in the future? hopefully something with music, or perhaps film and television.
i want to try it all! :)